Welcome: Guangzhou Lanling Aquaculture technology Co., Ltd.
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Q & A on factory aquaculture technology

Customer: how much is your circulating aquaculture system? (similar questions: I have a 1,000-square-meter site. How much will it cost to build a factory aquaculture farm? How much a year?
Answer: this question is similar to the following: "how much does it cost to buy a car?" ", "how much does it cost to build a building? There are millions of expensive cars and hundreds of dollars for a bicycle. Factory circulating water aquaculture systems include machinery, biochemistry, pipelines, civil engineering, lighting, electrical control and other systems. The most complex is the inland sea water factory circulating water farm, because there is no sea water, change water rate can be calculated as 0. Therefore, the whole system includes mechanical filtration, biological filtration, constant temperature, sterilization, oxygenation, symbiosis of fish and vegetables, and cultivation of biological bait, etc. The cost of investment required for the complete system is very high. For some places with good water quality conditions, such as wenchang in hainan and dongshan in fujian, simple water pumps can be used to filter gaza.
    Therefore, the so-called system is tailored according to the local conditions and specific requirements of customers. The total water quantity is different, the water exchange rate is different, the breeding density is different, the corresponding equipment configuration is also different. Therefore, the following questions should be clarified before we can help you to give a scientific and reasonable, low cost and high efficiency solution. Questions include:

    1. Breeding species

    2. How many kilograms per cubic meter of water is the target breeding density?  How many cubic meters of water is there in all? 

    3.The daily water exchange rate (the percentage of water not discharged by sewage discharge per day);
    4.What are the insulation measures of the greenhouse?
    5. Do you have good water sources? (water quality testing report);
    6. Is there a convenient and cheap heat source?
    7. Cement/plastic/fiberglass are used in the breeding pond?
    8. Daily feeding amount and feed protein content data.
    9. Specific dimensions of the site.
   10. Your company name, farm address, telephone number and contact person.

Customer: can you design a scheme of circulating water aquaculture system for me?

Answer: the above question has already explained that the factory aquaculture system is an organic complex whole. The design should also be tailored to the local conditions and requirements of customers. If you really want to build such a circulating aquaculture system, you should have a tea with me and we can talk about the installation of a pipeline from your grand blueprint. If you really have the sincerity to do this project. The preliminary design of any project shall be paid for. Only professional design can guarantee the safe and efficient operation of the whole circulating water system after installation.

Customer: please send me a copy of the technical data of ** fish breeding.
Answer: Sorry, we only manufacture equipment and system design related to circulating water. After many years of accumulation, We have a very mature technology inwater treatment understanding of various aquaculture varieties have some. Especially popular South American white prawns, grouper and so on. But for certain breeds, we didn't breed them. So it's impossible to have experience. This requires you to visit more and learn more. But fish farming begins with water, and aquaculture is half done when the technology for water treatment is exhausted. Aquaculture water treatment technology, we are professional.

Customer: what kind of fish is more profitable?

Answer: As the saying goes, a man of great wealth is not worth living. Not to mention successful aquaculture, the market is also risky. Fish does not always have a good price. Say again, so - called the line out of the first prize, what breed to raise, have well - fed have not well - fed. This is related to personal technology, natural conditions, weather and climate, etc. Therefore, in order to earn money from the fishery industry, market price, breeding technology, water treatment, seedlings, feed and other links should be improved.

Customer: how many eggs can your hatching bucket hold?
Answer:Different fish have different egg sizes. The incubators are fixed in size. The number of incubators is also different for different species. Therefore, it is impossible to generalize. As far as the current incubators are concerned, according to customers, 500L capacity incubators can incubate 6 million loach eggs. Other varieties need to be determined by experience.

Customer: how much water can your circulating water system handle?

Answer: hello, the circulating water treatment system is designed and configured according to the maximum load provided by the customer. The equipment can control the suspended matter, COD, BOD, ammonia nitrogen, nitrite and so on in water quality within the standard range of breeding density. The standards can be referred to the national fishery water quality standards, or even higher than the customer requirements. If the density exceeds the load capacity of the equipment, the water quality index will fluctuate accordingly. In addition, in the early and late stages of fish growth, the food intake and excretion of fish are different, so the water treatment load is different.
    Animals such as aquaculture, fish and shrimp live in the water, and their excrement is produced at any time. Therefore, the circulating water treatment system keeps running, which can keep the water quality within a relatively stable index.

Customer: why isn't your equipment the cheapest?

Answer:Price per cent, goods per cent. Business is war. Each supplier has a different sales strategy. Some sell good goods at high prices, while others sell bad ones at low prices. Someone sold the inferior goods at a high price (in the form of deception). But it is impossible to sell good goods at a low price. Lanling only produces high quality products, except the cost, we only keep a small profit. So it can't be the lowest price.
    As for the price, in most cases, expensive products have no disadvantages other than expensive ones, while cheap ones have no advantages other than cheap ones. In line with the concept of good faith management, the price we quoted has been factory price. So I'm sorry I can't give you the pleasure of bargaining.
In addition to the price, you should consider the quality of products, after - sales, suppliers of technical reserve professional software. You need to compare the goods and make your own judgment.
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